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This is the first full body plan for Finn's outfit. 

-Outdoor/adventure outfit
Finn is an adventurer, goes out and finds artifacts, gemstones, strange objects on a mythical island. He is good at climbing and needs to carry certain equipment so
I looked at parkour/ climbing outfits- knee pads, layers
I considered climate, storage (pockets) for things he finds, weather, buckles to attach climbing gear to, no loose clothing for safety, made sure it was light enough to move around in.


The era in which this story is set is somewhat timeless, much like the plot. The casual clothing inspiration is somewhere between 1920's - modern mens fashion. Most clothing is gender neutral , the most common colours are golds, browns, blacks and white. Suits are worn by most to look smart ( like in 1900's).  I created a mood board of my inspiration for these outfit. The result is a mix between the parkour gear and mens clothes.

unnamed (3).jpg

wearing a coat- knee length


Finns casual outfit


This was an experiment to see how the outfit would be simplified depending on what style it is in. There is the default style, then the outfit in the style of an animated tv show ( Final Space or Rick and Morty). I condensed the outfit to basic shapes and added no detail or pattern onto the clothing. The next is an average thick-outlined cartoon style. There is a little more detail yet it is still much clearer than the original.

Original image

Purple Glow


I also designed 1 outfit for Merri. Her look is quite steam-punk. This is likely the outfit she would wear for most of the story. In the moodboard I also included ideas for her work gear - things she would use and wear for inventing and fixing.




Line art



After planning the outfit I drew a quick sketch of Finn climbing the rocks in Orecaspius while out adventuring.

next: I would like to sketch some concepts based on what I now have (character appearances and outfit designs)

I enjoyed making the outfits and thinking beyond appearance- thinking about practicality and safety etc... It helped me consider what type of outfit would work the best and why.

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